Wednesday 7 May 2014

Fragarak: Convulsion At Mainland Crypts (Day 3 and 4)

So you all saw pictures from Fragarak's first performance at Yangtze River International Music Festival in Zhenjiang. As much fun as these guys had in putting up the show, looking at the pictures I found the atmosphere of the festival to be totally electric (which it was according to Supratim) and totally wished that I was there. The surprising thing is, even though they don't have the whole social media network in their country, the word still spreads and people do turn out for the gigs. Good to know that lives and businesses still run without Facebook!

Now, it got a whole lot better when they traveled down to Shanghai for their second performance, which was at Asia Metal Festival in Shanghai. We only have pictures from the concert this time, but the band totally dig the most populated city in the world.

Here goes... Part II of Convulsion At Mainland Crypts

The hard to catch skyscrapers, in Shanghai

Merchandise stall at the venue

Our boys signing the official gig poster. A customary, and a huge gesture of respect from the organisers!

Chilling out at the venue, probably half wasted already by the looks of it :P

Tour manager Laura sporting her Fragarak t-shirt!

An exclusive from the F.O.H. desk as the band kills it on stage

After a satisfying show. Thank you, Shanghai!

Have you seen the pictures from Day 1 and 2? You can find them here!

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