Tuesday 14 October 2014

Until We Last "Earthgazing" - Live: A Debate

So, even after seeing the low hit count on their last article, the gone case duo of Live: A Gig are back to debate on another latest release. This time they chose Bangalore based Until We Last’s latest offering - Earthgazing. Now kids, if you want to be loved by people, do not try copying these idiots at home. Off to the maniacs:

Abhiraj: So, it seems some people don’t like it when an album is scrutinized of all good and bad aspects. Ahh, it was fun reviewing The Demon King anyway. Moving on, Until We Last! Have watched them perform live a few times when I was in Bangalore and I was really hoping they would come out with a release sooner or later.

First impression - This is the best $2 I have spent to buy an album in recent times, I could have got it for free, but listening to the tracks on their Bandcamp page, I just couldn’t. It’s pretty hard to compile an instrumental album to start off with; but, these guys have hit the sweet spot with it. If I were a random pothead kid, I would say - “Smoke up and listen to them, bro! They’ll get you to Pluto and back!” But really, this is some good stuff here!

Until We Last - Earthgazing

Varun: Well, there's no doubt about that! The album is an absolute stunner. I know only a handful of post-rock bands in India and I've even managed to catch a couple of them live this year; but you know, these guys are the best. I tried to buy the album when it came out a couple of months back; but I couldn't. Something to do with the RBI policies of using the PayPal gateway it seems. I guess I'll have to grab a physical copy whenever I hit Bangalore. Hope the stock lasts!

Anyways, being the post-rock enthusiast that I am, I can say that these guys have not only put out a brilliant release but also something very innovative. Majority of post-rock music out there is either a depiction of urban life or one's emotions or life experiences. These guys made it about the nature for a change. Here’s a little story...

In the daily race of making a connection with my surroundings, I listen to a lot of post-rock (predominantly urban), especially while travelling in the city, and I sort of feel the atmosphere around me. On a fine day (to die :P), I put on this album anticipating a similar connection, but instead I was lost. I didn't feel like I was travelling in the metro with people surrounding me. I felt as if I was in another space, which is what I guess the band is trying to achieve: to connect the listeners to our mother Earth, aurally. The interesting part of the story is when the album ended, my iPod started playing Amesoeurs’ 'Gas In Veins'. The song, with strong urban aesthetics, made me realize where I was, and I was nowhere near a natural ecosystem. Such is the power of music!

Abhiraj: Thankfully, I had a 6 year old PayPal account which enabled me to buy the album. Sadly, only INR 2 was what I ever got transferred to my bank account till date from that account, and that was the security deposit they send when you open an account. Sigh.

I agree with you on the quality of post-rock bands in the country. Well, if you would ask me, Until We Last is currently as close as it gets to the international standards. In a country where the quantity of bands coming up these days is skyrocketing, it’s good to see a band which actually shows some quality among that quantity!

I was really impressed with the flow of the arrangements and the consecutive songs. A very well thought out plan and that’s exactly what plays with your emotions. Post-rock is not anyone’s cup of tea, and playing the genre is certainly not anyone’s cup, leave out the tea. I really loved the track “Earthgazing”. The track showcases a nice use of synths and the guitars with a very impressive setup of the panning. Whenever I listen to the track, I feel like sitting on top of my terrace in the evening with the cool winds blowing into my face. Right now though, I’m sitting under a fan in my living room, and it still gives me the same feeling! The way the music manipulates the mind is credible!

Varun: Exactly my point! The music does become a means of escaping from where we are and the flow of the album, like you said, does play an important role in doing that. The focus on texture gradually increases as we move towards the end of the album, making it more ambient and pulling you further away from reality. We notice that the band has used a lot of electronics in the last track, 'Water', unlike the first four tracks which are mostly guitar-based. Those sounds/noises, along with the melodies themselves, nicely represent the aesthetics of a marine habitat.

Another thing I liked was how calm overall the album is. There are no pacey tracks, no intense build-ups and consists of clean guitars throughout. The album's mood remains more or less steady with those beautiful and dynamic clean guitar harmonies and yet you feel it getting more intense. That's not something I exclusively appreciate, but since it has been done quite nicely, I couldn't help but mention.

EP back cover credits
Abhiraj: True, very true! The last two tracks actually, including the bonus track - “Trails” have a heavy electronica sound associated with them. And, I’m not complaining. The whole idea of various layers of sounds amalgamating into a song is beautifully implemented.

Now, coming to some technicalities. Both of us know how difficult it is to portray the exact sound as heard on the album, while playing live. Given the current scene and lack of well acoustic-ated venues to play in, how do you think they will cope up with this very serious problem?

Varun: Well yes, that’s always a challenge. But I believe that that's something they have already achieved. I haven't seen them live but saw a performance clip online and was highly impressed by their stage presence; some really stunning visuals there. Check it out if you can.

The sound seemed alright in that video, but again I would make a better judgement if I actually see them live, which I haven't. But yes, they opened for Tides From Nebula a couple of weeks back and my friend who was there told me that they were "indeed magical". Even you mentioned earlier that you have seen them live, didn't you? How did you find them? Did they play a different set that day?

On another note, there's just one thing I felt the band could have missed in the album. The album tells us with its calm nature how beautiful and pleasant our planet is, but what about the chaotic parts? I mean for a beautiful stream of river in the hills, there's also a lava river from an erupting volcano; for all the green forests, there are also the hot and stormy deserts; for all the creation, there's also destruction. Maybe these guys didn't want to focus on the negative parts, that's why they decided to leave that out. But that's something I would have loved to listen on the album, because nature is not always beautiful, just like the cities are not always grievous and depressing.

Abhiraj: I had seen them live prior to releasing the EP and they seemed really good! But, now that I have heard their studio recordings, it will be really intriguing if they can match up to that sound and stereo effect placement. I would surely be looking forward to that the next time I catch them live.

The chaotic scenery may be a plan for a sequel to this EP, or a full length some time in the near future? Besides we did have our dose of good over evil in our last debate, this is surely refreshing after that :P

I may actually listen to this EP and The Demon King back-to-back, now that you gave me that good vs. evil lecture :P

Varun: Ohh no! I'm done with the good vs. evil fight! Social dynamics is not my thing anymore. I was actually talking about the ecological dynamics, which play an important role in so many album concepts. But you clearly seem in mood for some bacon bombs. So let's end this discussion here and go have some meat now!

Abhiraj: I’m on a diet. I’ll stick to my green veggies. I love greens.

Check out Until We Last - Earthgazing here -

Buy Earthgazing today from bandcamp!

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