Monday 29 September 2014


Pune needed a little love from Live: A Gig. There have been some exceptional shows in the city but with little or no coverage compared to other cities. So, with the help of our little friend Armaan, we decided to show some love to Pune and cover The Stormfest : Anniversary!

With a lineup consisting of Ephemeral, Knights & Circles, Orcus, Ragnhild, Consecration; alongside the mind blasting giants - Providence from Mumbai and RSJ Metal Awards 2014 award magnets The Down Troddence, we had the feeling that the gig was going to be massive even before the gig started!

Here's how it all went down -

Just to be on the safe side, we decided to warn our followers that we aren't responsible for what happens from the evening :P

And before we knew it, Armaan takes the wheel to bring you the latest from the venue!

Ephemeral did the honours of opening the gig and they did it with style!

Knights & Circles were up next, and they surely didn't disappoint!

Next up - Orcus. And when the kid says shit is getting serious, he meant it. The engines were rolling at full capacity and it was hardly halfway through the gig! Covering Gojira is one hell of an achievement!

The ghost of the pit has struck Stormfest! Orcus doing the honours!

Consecreation took up the stage next and showed some class on the stage!

Some sweet guitar solos? Yes, please!

Providence! Need I say more?

Some real, true and non-photoshopped hair glory advertisement. These shampoo companies should consider changing their high profile models to metalheads for better marketing!

And a Hatebreed cover!


The Down Troddence! You have chick magnets, these guys are award magnets. One of the highly awarded bands in the country at this moment ready to decimate Pune with their set. And they did it in style!

KFC is the secret to TDT's vocalists deep growls :P

They play Roots Bloody Roots and the camera image quality goes down to the decade of Kodak roll films! Divine intervention? :O

The Down Troddence ended with a flavour of their own awesomeness and then it was time to sail off to the medieval period for some Viking Metal with Ragnhild, who could only play one song due to time constraints it seems

And with that, our little friend Armaan signed off. But before leaving, he did tweet this little tweet of encouragement :')

Pune has been really supportive to their local scene in recent times. With more and more gigs being organissed in the city, we at Live: A Gig wish them all the best for the long run. And needless to say, we would love to come back and show some more love to the scene ;)

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