Monday 5 May 2014

Freewheel Rollin': What went down!

So, after two amazing gigs in Chennai and getting the honour to cover Kolkata's debut crowd funded metal gig, it was high time we covered something in Bangalore. And, the opportunity was knocking at our face - Freewheel Rollin' would be the first gig to be covered by Live: A Gig in Bangalore. Here's what went down during the amazing evening:

So, as a customary thing, we had to put this update first -

And then the mayhem starts. First band - Hard Enough

This was the best cover of the night, hands down!

These guys were just mad!

Them licks, them damn guitar licks!

A little love from our Instagram profile

Next band - Pinch

Inspired by the PJ's from the vocalist, we made a fool out of ourselves :P

The new song sounded epic!

One for the bass :)

The vocal range and the use of the vocal processor!

Instagram Love <3

Next band - The News, playing their comeback gig!

Yes, it was!

They had made a perfect comeback!

Instagram lovey dovey :)

Next band - Stuck In November. Another comeback!

Pimping for the venue and the band with pathetic grammar

And a little something from Instagram :)

Next up - White Mug, releasing their debut EP :)

Andre, The Giant was big. White Mug can be that big too!

Instagram bromie homie, yo!

Next band - All The Fat Children! All of them. Actually only three of them :(

And after this, we had to go for a small dinner break and couldn't update the set. And when we return, this was the scene. Sorry guys :(

The headlining act was next - Solder!

These guys took control of the crowd from the word go. And then the British Tube Distortion guitar solo came!

We all know the Cookie Monster, right?

And Solder were getting everyone grooving! Be it a receding hairline, or receding waistline, age simply didn't matter :D

A little thank you to Sound Awake and The Humming Tree before we got out of the venue hoping to get an auto back to our shelter who won't charge a bomb :(

Lastly, kudos to the organisers for the band selection. A debut gig always gives you the nerves and the guys at Sound Awake pulled it off brilliantly!

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