Tuesday 26 May 2015

Song of the Week - Hellwind: Taste of Metal

Heavy Metal has the passion which most genres lack. Yes, there are bands who have that ego problem, but the music comes from the heart in most cases, like it should be. And for the ego fueled maniacs out there, there will be someone who stands up and shuts their mouths (or ass, whichever speaks for them :P ).

Taste of Metal is one of those tracks where Hellwind speaks about the pretender and fake world surrounding us. Ignoring the negativity by the power of Heavy Metal, Hellwind, which started off as a cheesy metal band, makes it a point to differentiate between what is true and what should have been flushed in the toilet. But somewhere between all the cheese fest and glam metal approach, Hellwind have kept, what vocalist Akshay Deodhar quotes as "...little homage to selling our souls to the devil for heavy metal..."

Waste no time, for you have wasted some by reading this intro and the song has already started playing in this little widget below. Enjoy!

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